Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tokyo Travel : Electronics shopping spree in Akihabara and its aftermath!

It was the month of April when we visited Tokyo this year. On our arrival, rains welcomed us in Tokyo. Our first major task was to get ourselves new cameras. Japan known for its electronic brands like Sony, Nikon  tempted us with wide range of electronic gadgets. 

Akihabara and Yodobashi Camera : Akihabara is major shopping area in Tokyo for electronic, computer gadgets. Yodobashi Camera, a chain store has a 8 stories tall building in Akihabara. It was our shopping destination in Akihabara. Yodobashi Camera is one stop destination for all your electronic needs. Right from the tiniest SD memory cards to the trendy new i-pad, you will find everything here.
Flyover Junction, Akasaka, Tokyo(高架道路ジャンクション、赤坂、東京)
Flyover Junction, Akasaka, Tokyo (高架道路ジャンクション、赤坂東京)
Which Camera? With wide variety of options in front you, you are often get confused - which is the right product for you. Well, I faced the same situation when I was in Yodobashi. My primary criterions for buying included sleekness and higher optical zoom. After toying with the idea of buying mo dels from either Sony or Canon, I was unable to make any decision. Finally my friend suggested to go for a DSLR. I was dead against it initially thinking of carrying it like a baggage. But finally decided to go for it and bought a Nikon D5100 though it was heavy which I hated, had to carry two lenses(zoom and normal) which was another reason for worry. To make matters even, my friend also bought a DSLR - Canon EOS model with two lenses :) 
Flyover junction in the evening, Akasaka, Tokyo(夕方には高架道路のジャンクション、赤坂、東京)
Flyover junction in the evening, Akasaka, Tokyo (夕方には高架道路のジャンクション、赤坂、東京)
Akasaka : With newly acquired photo capturing tool in my hand, I soon got into photo clicking spree and the first target was Akasaka which was also the first area we explored in Tokyo. Akaska means red slope in Japanese. The first photo I clicked was that of the junction of the flyover junction. I was amazed by the kind of robust road infrastructure they have with multiple flyovers crossing each other. Have look at the photo to find out. Also, as someone said Tokyo grows vertically unlike other cities in the world which grow horizontally. Huge multi-storey buildings bear testimony to that fact.
Trees lit up, Akasaka, Tokyo(木はライトアップ東京赤坂)
Trees lit up, Akasaka, Tokyo (木はライトアップ東京赤坂)
Roppongi Street : In the evening, I went exploring the nearby areas in Akasaka. Walking up the Roppongi street I witnessed the modernism in all its glitter in Tokyo. Apart from the electric dazzle, the trees on both sides of cross roads were lit by electric bulbs giving the ambience a heavenly look! With no destination in mind, I was roaming around suddenly to get a glimpse of a lattice tower in all its glow! Though I had heard of Tokyo tower, I had not known that it was so near. Now, I found my destination.  
Roppongi Street, Akasaka, Tokyo(六本木通り、赤坂、東京)
Roppongi Street, Akasaka, Tokyo (六本木通り、赤坂、東京)
View of Tokyo tower from Roppongi street(六本木通りから東京タワーの眺め)
View of Tokyo tower from Roppongi street (六本木通りから東京タワーの眺め)
Hard Rock Cafe, Tokyo(ハードロックカフェ東京)
Hard Rock Cafe, Tokyo (ハードロックカフェ東京)
Tokyo Tower : I took a deviation from Roppongi street and walked towards Tokyo tower. En route I found the famous restaurant Hard Rock cafe. I was unaware of the streets which lead to the Tokyo tower. Though it remained elusive for some time on the way, I continued walking to find the Eiffel-tower inspired Tokyo tower painted with international orange. In the excitement I took multiple photographs of the iconic tower in different angles. Tokyo tower is a communications and observation tower broadcasting television and radio signals. Though this was little like an adventure, I could have easily lost my way in the night, which I realized much later.

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Tokyo Tower hidden among trees(東京タワーは木々の間に隠れて)
Tokyo Tower hidden among trees (東京タワーは木々の間に隠れて)
Tokyo Tower(東京タワー)
Tokyo Tower (東京タワー)
Multi-storey buildings, Tokyo, Japan
Multi-storey buildings, Tokyo, Japan (複数階の建物、東京、日本)
東京旅行:エレクトロニクス買い物秋葉原でまくるとその余波 (Google翻訳を使用して日本語翻訳, 免責条項:www.raveeshkumar.com翻訳の誤りについて責任を負いません)



どのカメラ?: 正面におけるさまざまなオプションを使用すると、しばしば混乱してしまいます - あなたのための右の産物である私はヨドバシにいたときによく、私は同じような状況に直面していました。買うための私の主なcriterions滑らかさと高い光学ズームが含まれていた。ソニーやキヤノンのいずれかからmoのDELSを購入するという考えをいじるの後、私はどんな決断を下すことができませんでした。最後に私の友人はデジタル一眼レフのために行くことを提案した。私はそれが最初に荷物のようにそれを運ぶことを考えに対して死んでいた。しかし、最終的にそれのために行くことにしました、それは私が嫌われて重かったけどニコンD5100を買って心配のもう一つの理由であった​​2枚のレンズ(ズームノーマル)を運ばなければならなかった。でも困ったことは、私の友人デジタル一眼レフを買った - キヤノンEOSモデルを二つのレンズ:)で

赤坂:私の手で新たに取得したフォトキャプチャツールを使用すると、私はすぐに写真をクリックしまくるに乗り込み、最初のターゲットはまた、我々は東京で探求最初の領域であった​​赤坂でした。 Akaska日本語でを意味します。私がクリックした最初の写真は高架接合部の接合部のことでした。私は彼らが互いに交差する複数の立体交差で持っている堅牢な道路インフラの種類に驚きました。見つけるために写真を見たことがありますまた、誰かのように東京が垂直水平に成長する世界の他の都市とは違って成長すると述べた。巨大な多階建ての建物は、その事実を証言する



Thursday, August 16, 2012

Quiz on Tulu Nadu and Tulu Culture

Every year ‘Aatidonji Koota’(a get together of Tuluvas in the month of Aati) is celebrated with great enthusiasm among Tuluvas. In cities like Bangalore, it is an occasion to take break from the busy life and meet the fellow Tuluvas and have a good time. Recently, I attend one such gathering. On that occasion, I was responsible for conducting a quiz on Tulu Nadu and Tulu culture. Following are the questions from the quiz. I must admit that I enjoyed preparing these questions - had fun searching several texts for questions, finding English equivalent terms for native Tulu words. I came to know more about my culture and felt proud about the Tulu heritage. Hope you enjoy answering these questions. Do let me know how many of these questions you are able to answer correctly! :)

1.       When was Vishwa Tulu Sammelana held?
a.       December 2008
b.      December 2010
c.       December 2009
d.      December 2007
2.       Why does ’Aati Kalenja’ visit homes in Tulu Nadu in the month of Aati?
a.       To indicate that the month of Aati is over
b.      To ward off evil spirits and diseases
c.       To convey the message of Emperor Bali
d.      To begin the cutting of the crop
3.       What do you call the umbrella made of palm leaves, held by Aati Kalenja?
a.      Tatra
b.      Kedinjel
c.       Toppige
d.      Gaggara
4.       Who published the Tulu-English dictionary in 1886?
a.       Reverend Manner
b.      Reverend Kittel
c.       Hegan
d.      Father Muller
5.       Whose rule was majorly confined to parts of Tulu Nadu?
a.       Gangas
b.      Alupas
c.       Chalukyas
d.      Rashtrakutas
6.       During  Aati Amavaasye people have the drink made from the bark of which tree?
a.       Jack fruit
b.      Alstonia Scholaris / Milkwood Pine/ Ditabark
c.       Banyan
d.      Indian gooseberry / Nelli Kayi / Amla
7.        Historically, which river separates from Tulu Nadu from Kerala?
a.       Varahi
b.      Chandragiri
c.       Netravati
d.      Kaveri
8.       Which famous Tulu theater actor acted in Adoor Gopalakrishnan’s Malayalam movie ‘Vidheyan?
a.       Devadas Kapikad
b.      Naveen D Padil
c.       Vamana Nandavara
d.      Anand Bolar
9.       Which great poet invited Kannadigas, Telugoids and Tuluvas to enjoy his poetry by saying ‘ayyayya chenaadudene Kannadigaru, rayyamanchidiyene  Teluga, ayyayya encha porlandendu Tuluvaru maiyyubbi kelabekanna!’
a.       Muddana
b.      Ratnakara Varni
c.       Kunda Verma
d.      Charukeerti
10.   What is the original name(moola nama) of ‘Kallurti’ bhoota?
a.       Kalkuda
b.      Kaali
c.       Kalkutiga
d.      Katyayini
11.   According  to Hindu cosmology, which one of the following regions became Tulu Nadu?
a.       Yaksha Loka
b.      Kinnara Loka
c.       Naga Loka
d.      Deva Loka
12.   ‘kang gla, taare gla onje tale athth’ – what is the meaning of this Tulu saying?
a.       Areca nut tree and coconut tree are not the same
b.      Though the task done is same charge according to the person’s financial status
c.       Relationship and business are two entirely different aspects and not to be mixed
d.      Treat everyone as equal
13.   Which is the birth place of warriors of Tulu Nadu – Koti and Chennaya?
a.       Padumale
b.      Veeramale
c.       Elumale
d.      Kemmale
14.   Which is the special game played during the month of Aati?
a.       Marbles
b.      Tip-cat / Chinni Daandu
c.       Chenne Mane
d.      Game of dice / Pagade
15.   Who is the author of Tulu epic – ‘Shree Bhagavato’?
a.       Nrupa Tunga
b.      Vishnu Tunga
c.       Naranappa
d.      Muddana
16.   Which is the first movie to be released in Tulu language?
a.      Pagetta Puge
b.      Bisatti Babu
c.       Udald Tudar
d.      Enna Tangadi
17.   Who among the following served as the wrestler in Mayippadi Palace and was famous for super human feats?
a.       Agoli Manjanna
b.      Maroli Chomanna
c.       Pulkuru Baacha
d.      Hydroose
18.   Who is the mother of Koti and Chennaya?
a.       Deyi Baiditi
b.      Kinnidaru
c.       Chennamma
d.      Ponnamma
19.   Which two rivers meet in Mangalore/Kudla?
a.       Netravati, Varahi
b.      Netravati, Payaswini
c.       Netravati, Chandragiri
d.      Netravati, Gurupura
20.   During the reign of which king did the ‘Aliya Kattu’ tradition come into place in coastal Karnataka?
a.       Kunda Verma
b.      Bommarasa
c.       Bhootala Pandya
d.      Nagarasa

1.       December 2009
2.       To ward off evil spirits and diseases
3.       Tatra
4.       Reverend Manner
5.       Alupas
6.       Alstonia Scholaris / Milkwood Pine/ Ditabark
7.       Chandragiri
8.       Naveen D Padil
9.       Ratnakara Varni
10.   Kaali
11.   Naga Loka
12.   Though the task done is same charge according to the person’s financial status
13.   Padumale
14.   Chenne Mane
15.   Vishnu Tunga
16.   Enna Tangadi
17.   Pulkuru Baacha
18.   Deyi Baidithi
19.   Netravati, Gurupura
20.   Bhootala Pandya


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