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'Yegdagella Aithe' in Kannada means 'Everything is there in Yoga'. Kannada book 'Yegdagella Aithe' by Belagere Krishna Shastri is a memoir of Shree Mukundooru Swamiji. As the author says Swamiji used to use this phrase, 'Yegdagella Aithe' more often in his talks, hence the name of the book.
Belagere Krishna Shastri is witness to several miracles performed by Shree Mukundooru Swamiji. While reading the book you may face questions like 'What?', 'Whether it is real/possible?' Your logical mind, which is used to scientific explainations may refuse to accept the events described here. But, we having not seen such supernatural events does not mean that they are fake. Also, those phenomena for which we cannot give any scientific explaination just means those are the areas, which need to be explored. Even the author himself did not believe initially what people were saying about the miracles Swamiji performed. But if you keep your logical thinking aside and read Krishna Shastri's experiences as your own you will be amazed. In addition, there are instances in the book about how Swamiji used to explain ordinary people about spirituality using the language they understand better.
In 1949, Krishna Shastri came to Devanooru village in Kadur taluk of Chikmagalur district to work as a teacher. There he met Swamiji and his interactions with Swamiji is the content of the book. Mukundooru Swamiji, who never wanted publicity, also remained modest of his miracles. He acted as if he had not performed those at all. In the book, there are sayings, idioms in particular dialect of Kannada which is common to malnad and surrounding regions of Karnataka. So, if you are not from these places, you may find it new/difficult. But even then, this book is a good read for an amazing spiritual experience.
[Belagere Krishna Shastri now runs Shree Sharada Mandira Educational Institution in Belagere, Challakere taluk, Chitradurga District and is involved in social work. In 2004, Karnataka Government honoured him with Rajyotsava Award in recognition of his work.]
'Yegdagella Aithe' in Kannada means 'Everything is there in Yoga'. Kannada book 'Yegdagella Aithe' by Belagere Krishna Shastri is a memoir of Shree Mukundooru Swamiji. As the author says Swamiji used to use this phrase, 'Yegdagella Aithe' more often in his talks, hence the name of the book.
In 1949, Krishna Shastri came to Devanooru village in Kadur taluk of Chikmagalur district to work as a teacher. There he met Swamiji and his interactions with Swamiji is the content of the book. Mukundooru Swamiji, who never wanted publicity, also remained modest of his miracles. He acted as if he had not performed those at all. In the book, there are sayings, idioms in particular dialect of Kannada which is common to malnad and surrounding regions of Karnataka. So, if you are not from these places, you may find it new/difficult. But even then, this book is a good read for an amazing spiritual experience.
[Belagere Krishna Shastri now runs Shree Sharada Mandira Educational Institution in Belagere, Challakere taluk, Chitradurga District and is involved in social work. In 2004, Karnataka Government honoured him with Rajyotsava Award in recognition of his work.]